
Packed with information




Words from the Author

Welcome to Entrepreneurship. This is the nation’s leading book on Entrepreneurship used in universities to teach Entrepreneurship. This book is written for; Entrepreneurs that want to be successful in self-employment, those newly self-employed or those who own a business and want help in strategically making it bigger.

Most entrepreneurship books go over a bunch of case studies about how someone started a business 40 or more years ago. This book takes a new approach. This is how to build a business from the prospective of going forward. 

Words from the Author

Welcome to Entrepreneurship. This is the nation’s leading book on Entrepreneurship used in universities to teach Entrepreneurship. This book is written for; Entrepreneurs that want to be successful in self-employment, those newly self-employed or those who own a business and want help in strategically making it bigger.

This book is enjoyed by owners of small, medium and large privately held companies. The book offers ideas and suggestions in how to have your company perform well and fire on all 12 cylinders.

Most entrepreneurship books go over a bunch of case studies about how someone started a business 40 or more years ago. This book takes a new approach. This is how to build a business from the prospective of going forward. For 42 years Canberra Company has trained client companies in how to build and manage their business and how to remove the impediments and limitations that prevent existing companies from growing bigger. 

This book is exciting, riveting, and helpful to anyone who owns a business. This book provides structure in what to do step by step to grow your business to become a healthier business. The book dispels the myth that you have to be an “inventor” to own a business. The fact is anyone can; start a business, buy an existing business, or become a franchisee of a business. The internet has opened more channels in how to have a business through e-commerce stores. Step-by-step guidance and reminders of what to do to build your business. The author has 43 years of experience as an entrepreneur building a management consulting firm. The same 43 yeas Pybrum has advised over 1,000 people that own their own business.
Read this book then move forward with the confidence that you can succeed in owning your own business.

This book will give you the assurance and confidence that even YOU can own your own business. Learn the entrepreneur’s mindset and the qualities and characteristics of successful entrepreneurs. As a business owner you will learn the structure you need to have your company remain successful.

About The Book

Entrepreneurship-Believe & Achieve

The book reports on how to start, operate, grow then exit your business. Forty-three years of being in the trenches as an entrepreneur in the business of management consulting giving advice to business across the country in how to operate, grow and exit their business that they have built. Steve is a warehouse of knowledge about how to deal with self-employment, how to understand the environment of self-employment, how to start, operate, manage, grow your business and feel good about becoming successful in your own business. Steve is a coach, mentor and is an inspirational leader in the field of Business Taxation and Entrepreneurship. Steve is a leading US authority on Entrepreneurship and how to awaken your company to grow bigger.

Canberra Company

Operates in the US, Europe, South America and Asia. A multi-disciplined organization that offers business services to help businesses succeed and run smoothly. Our prime interest is in helping your company grow bigger. Management consultants are the people on the forefront of growing businesses whether it is domestic or international. They are the muscle that opens doors to new markets, a larger customer base and a profound increase in sales. They design operational systems, procedures, methods and strategies for growth and development.

Steve Pybrum

Is an award-winning financial services superstar, champion tax planner, and the author of two well-known financial planning books and two syndicated newspaper articles. Pybrum has been featured on over 100 television talk shows and news broadcasts on ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX providing information on new tax law changes and tax and financial planning tips. Pybrum is a tax specialist who branched out into business operations, management teams, management structures, and business growth strategies to help client businesses grow rapidly.
With over 43 years of business experience in helping businesses succeed, Pybrum is a graduate of Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo with a degree in business administration and an MBA from Golden Gate University in San Francisco. Steve Pybrum CPA MBA

In operating a business one needs to know about managing and financing a small business. Prioritize a robust business plan that outlines clear objectives, target markets, and financial projections. This will make it clear to you what you are setting out to do. Efficiently manage resources by focusing on core competencies and implementing cost-effective solutions. Utilize technology for streamlined operations and data-driven decision-making. For financing, explore diverse funding options such as loans, grants, and equity investments. Establish a strong credit profile and build relationships with financial institutions. Continuously monitor and skillfully adapt to market trends, maintaining agility in response to challenges. Cultivate a network for mentorship and guidance, leveraging your resources and  networks for valuable insights and confidence building support.

Read this book then move forward with the confidence that you can succeed in owning your own business. This book will give you the assurance and confidence that even YOU can own your own business. Learn the entrepreneur’s mindset and the qualities and characteristics of successful entrepreneurs. As a business owner you will learn the structure you need to have your company remain successful. This book will give you the assurance and confidence that even YOU can own your own business. Learn the entrepreneur’s mindset and the qualities and characteristics of successful entrepreneurs. As a business owner you will learn the structure you need to have your company remain successful.
Who needs this book?

If you own a business

If you are starting a business this book will provide keen insight into what you may encounter. This book provides direction and encouragement to embrace success.


25 May, 2017


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Who needs this book?

If you own a business

If you are starting a business this book will provide keen insight into what you may encounter. This book provides direction and encouragement to embrace success.

Who needs this book?

If you own a business

If you are starting a business this book will provide keen insight into what you may encounter. This book provides direction and encouragement to embrace success.

Who needs this book?

If you own a business

If you are starting a business this book will provide keen insight into what you may encounter. This book provides direction and encouragement to embrace success.


If you are an employee of a company and want to gain a comprehensive look into what a company should be doing to grow, prosper and become successful.

Believe & Achieve

Entrepreneurship Book

If you are still an employee and want to start your own business, thus putting in your hours and actually getting paid for what you produce. This book will deliver the confidence you need to try for yourself self-employment.

Believe & Achieve

Entrepreneurship-Believe & Achieve

If you are an employee of a company and want to gain a comprehensive look into what a company should be doing to grow, prosper, and become successful.

1. Idea

2. Sketch

3. Done work

Entrepreneurship & Believe

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look, with commentary from leading psychologists as to what is holding people back from joining the ranks

Believe & Achieve

Entrepreneurship Book

If you are still an employee and want to start your own business, thus putting in your hours and actually getting paid for what you produce. This book will deliver the confidence you need to try for yourself self-employment.

Believe & Achieve

Entrepreneurship Book

If you are still an employee and want to start your own business, thus putting in your hours and actually getting paid for what you produce. This book will deliver the confidence you need to try for yourself self-employment.

Entrepreneurship-Believe & Achieve

If you are an employee of a company and want to gain a comprehensive look into what a company should be doing to grow, prosper, and become successful.




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Who needs this book?

  1.  If you own a business this is a must-read to find out what you are neglecting and what you can do better to grow your business beyond your wildest imagination.
  2. If you are starting a business this book will provide keen insight into what you may encounter. This book provides direction and encouragement to embrace success.
  3. If you are still an employee and want to start your own business, thus putting in your hours and actually getting paid for what you produce. This book will deliver the confidence you need to try for yourself self-employment.
  4. If you are an employee of a company and want to gain a comprehensive look into what a company should be doing to grow, prosper and become successful.
  5. This book is for Attorneys, Accountants, Teachers of Entrepreneurship, Members of a Board of Directors, Insurance Agents, Doctors, Dentists, Architects, Financial Advisors, and any other business person who wants to know about the inner workings of their business clients and learn what they should be doing.
  •  If you own a business this is a must-read to find out what you are neglecting and what you can do better to grow your business beyond your wildest imagination.
  • If you are starting a business this book will provide keen insight into what you may encounter. This book provides direction and encouragement to embrace success.
  • If you are still an employee and want to start your own business, thus putting in your hours and actually getting paid for what you produce. This book will deliver the confidence you need to try for yourself self-employment.
  • If you are an employee of a company and want to gain a comprehensive look into what a company should be doing to grow, prosper and become successful.
  • This book is for Attorneys, Accountants, Teachers of Entrepreneurship, Members of a Board of Directors, Insurance Agents, Doctors, Dentists, Architects, Financial Advisors, and any other business person who wants to know about the inner workings of their business clients and learn what they should be doing.

Entrepreneurship-Believe & Achieve is a ground breaking book. No more teaching students to become Entrepreneurs by reading a book of case studies about how Henry Ford invented a speedy production line. Now you can learn how to look forward and learn what one must do to start, operate, manage and grow a company. This is an eye-opening experience and moves you closer to being a real time owner of a company and go into business knowing the steps you must complete. This book provides direction, structure and comfort that you are moving in the correct direction.

This book is different. It is a forward-looking book into what you might encounter when you start or continue to manage your own business. A complete and comprehensive look into business operations from Steve Pybrum CPA MBA, one of the nation’s leading business advisors and  experts on self-employed business activity. This book takes an inside out and outside in look, with commentary from leading psychologists as to what is holding people back from joining the ranks of the self-employed.

This book is here to help you join the 16 million members of the US workforce that are now self-employed. Since Covid more and more workers are wanting to join the ranks of the self-employed, here is a book that will show you how to do it. This book is also helpful to the person who has owned their own business for 15 or more years and sales are the same year after year with no noticeable sign of improvement or growth. This book can shed light on why you are stuck and how to break loose and grow your business beyond your wildest imagination